Services To Insurance Sector
AMX Detective Agency (ADA) has a dedicated team of professional Investigators specialized in insurance investigations and high liability claims investigations. Statewide and national insurances recognized that AMX investigative team as a one of finest detective agency. Our professional investigators are highly experienced in gathering evidence which will help determine whether someone has filed a false insurance claim and/or exaggerating or feigning illness or injury. Our proven experience and ethical investigative techniques will ensure we find the information quickly and efficiently. Surveillance, Insurance Investigations, Liability Investigations, Activity Checks Disability Investigations, Workers Compensation, Medical Malpractice, Written and Recorded Statements, Property Theft & Fire, Expert Testimony.
Huge rise of such kind of activities have clearly specified the role of claim Investigators in India where our experts are found effective in providing professional and insurance investigation services to clients to eradicate the frauds in this sector. Today the region is carefully looked after by our local associates/partners firms who are well-established with their trustworthy network and experienced to provide our comprehensive insurance investigation services according to the locale. When fraudulent claims are suspected, our investigators conducts an insurance investigation inquiries into theft and burglary claims, fire loss claims, personal injuries claims, death and disability claims. When fraud is indeed confirmed, insurance companies are provided with a comprehensive investigation report with supporting evidence such as photos. This evidence enables our clients to reject fraudulent claims. Some of our investigation service includes:
- Claims investigations
- Video / Still Photography
- Tracing / Verifying assets and property
- Claims assessment and verification
- Surveillance
- Investigate intentions of the claimants
- Acquire conflicting evidences
- Verify genuineness of submitted documents
- Study and acquire evidences against people connived with the claimant
- Provide legal services
- Acquire relevant proofs and evidences